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Oriental Cabinet
Cabinet Oriental Asia Wood 1970 for sale in Inventory, Furniture | Glantiques
92/127/51 cm
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Hunting style Cabinet
Carved Side table
Louis XVI style Mirror
Arabic style Serving tray
Louis XV style Side table
Chiavari Chair
Venetian style Mirror
Chinese Side table/stool
Rococo Ceiling lamp
Oriental Plantstand
Renaissance style Pair of candle holders.
Louis XV style Side table
Rococo Mirror
Louis XV style Armchair
Louis XV style Pair of chairs
Louis XV style Secretary desk
Mechelen style Writing desk
Country French Chest of drawers
Louis XVI style Pair of wall candle holders.
Country French Cabinet
Louis XV style Armchair
Louis XV style Box
Louis XV style Sofa
Louis XV style Pair of chairs
Chinese Cabinet
Egypt style Table lamp
Hunting style Bench
Capodimonte Bonbonnière
Louis XV style Picture frame
Louis XV style Coffee table
Louis XV style Framed print
Chinese Display cabinet
Flemish style Vase
Art Deco style Cake stand
Oriental Cabinet
Delft style Vase
Flemish style Pair of crosses
Louis XV style Make up mirror
Delft style Pair of lidded pots
Chinese Folding screen
Art Nouveau Coupe
Louis XV style Cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Louis XV style Table lamp
Rococo Chest of drawers
Chinese Display cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Table lamp
Chinese Wall pannel
Louis XV style Table lamp
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Hollywood regency style Table lamp
Carved Coffee table
Rococo Chest of drawers
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Nest of tables
Chinese Figurine
Flemish style Hall lamp
Carved Cabinet
Vintage Plantstand
Louis XV style Footstool
Chinese Pair of vases
Rococo Pair of table lamps
Oriental Cabinet
Rococo Table lamp
Flemish style Bar barrel
Chinese Cabinet
Vintage Mirror
Rococo Side table
Flemish style Pair of side tables.
Oriental Cabinet
Chinese Plate
Carved Mirror
Rococo Candle holder
Vintage Hall lamp
Delft style Plate
Chinese Cabinet
Renaissance style Armchair
Vintage Ashtray
Rococo Chandelier
Chinese Table lamp
Delft style Plate
Oriental Cabinet
Louis XV style Chandelier
Renaissance style Armchair
Oriental Cabinet
Chinese Set of chairs
Louis XV style Side table
Vintage Record player
Inlaid Louis XV Secretary desk
Rococo Serving tray
Louis XV Side table
Sack Chandelier
Tudor style Writing desk
Brittany style Cabinet
Carved Footstool
Inlaid Side table
Oriental Set of tables
Flemish style Plate
Rococo Serving tray
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Chinese Vase
Flemish style Flower pot
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Chandelier
Flemish style Flower pot
Chinese Vase
Vintage Chandelier
Black forrest Crucifix
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Plantstand
Louis XV style Tapestry
Inlaid Crucifix
Chinese Figurine
Rococo Chandelier
Oriental Cabinet
French Provincial style Cabinet
Louis XV style Lantern
Chinese Jewelry box
Oriental Nest of tables
Blackamoor Table lamp
Vintage Mirror cabinet
Louis XV style Mirror
Vintage Table lamp
Oriental Nest of tables
Oriental Cabinet
Oriental Coffee table
Carved Sideboard
Louis XV style Fire screen
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Louis XV style Framed tapestry
Louis XV style Tapestry
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Telephone bench
Flemish style Framed tapestry
Chinese Cabinet/stand
Chinese Display cabinet
Louis XV style Coat rack
Chinese Side table
Rococo Serving tray
Chinese Corner cabinet
Delft Flower pot
Vintage Serving cart
Rococo Pair of wall lights.
Boulle style Cabinet
Breughel style Pair of plates
Chinese Wall pannels
Louis XV style Cabinet
Louis XV style Server
Chinese Corner cabinet
Rococo Wall candle holder
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Chinese Pair of foo dogs
Louis XV style Side table
Bamboe Porte manteau
Rococo Chest of drawers
Chinese Vase
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Empire style Plantstand
Chinese Pot
Hollywood regency style Serving cart
Vintage Paper rack
Rococo Chandelier
Vintage Fireplace item
Rococo Chandelier
Vintage Dish
Chinese Vase
Empire style Plantstand
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Hollywood Regency style Table lamp
Murano style Decorative item.
Chiavari style Chair
Thonet style Pair of bistro chairs
Oriental Plantstand
Oriental Display cabinet
Louis XV style Chandelier
Chinese Vase with lid
Chiavari Chair
Chinese Juwelry box
Painted Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Chandelier
Chinese Cabinet
Gothic style Cabinet
Vintage Pair of plantstands
Rustique style Pair of side tables.
Chinese Jug
Renaissance style Candle holder
Chinese Vase
German Drink cup
Carved Cabinet
Renaissance style Table lamp
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Capodimonte Chandelier
Louis XV style Table lamp
Louis XV style Candle holder
Chinese Jar
Louis XV style Pair of armchairs with side table
Louis XV style Tapestry
Louis XV style Mirror
Chinese Vase
Rococo Decorative bowl
Inlaid Bar cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of decorative angels
German Pair of beerpulls
Louis XV style Tapestry
Chinese Vase
Rococo Candle holder
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Figurine
Louis XV style Napoleon figurines
Chinese Cabinet
German Beerpull
Inlaid Chest of drawers
Vintage Flower pot stand
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Empire style Side table
Louis XV style Ceiling lamp
Chinese Display cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of door knockers
Louis XVI style Pair of wall candle holders.
Chinese Ginger pot
Brittany style Hallbench
Louis XVI style Cabinet and mirror
Chinese Pair of figurines
Art Deco style Figurine of dansers
Colonial style Tabac pot
Chinese Table lamp
Louis XV style Pair of roosters.
Vintage Plantstand
Chinese Vase
Murano Pair of wall lights.
Vintage Umbrella stand
Renaissance style Mantle clock
Louis XVI style Clock
Hollywood Regency style Horse figure
Chinese Figurines
Chinese Cabinet
Renaissance style Mantle clock
Renaissance style Pair of candle holders.
Rococo Table lamp
Vintage Juwelry box
Chiavari Chair
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Chinese Pair of vases
Empire style Chandelier
Chippendale style Kettle
French Provincial style Pair of nightstands
Inlaid Music table
Inlaid Cabinet
African style Bookholders
Rococo Table lamp
Carved Vitrine
Hollywood Regency style Table lamp
Chinese Cabinet
French Provincial Footstool
Renaissance style Mirror
Flemish style Table lamp
French Provincial Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Table lamp
Gothic style Cabinet
Chinese Decorative item.
Flemish style Garden bench
Rococo Serving tray
Flemish style Table lamp
Louis XV style Decorative item.
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Carved Footstool
Chinese Cabinet and mirror
Renaissance style Room devider
Chinese Pair of armchairs
Louis XV style Umbrella stand
Louis XV style Mirror
Hollywood Regency style Table lamp
Louis XVI style Cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Hunting style Cabinet
Louis XV style Standing coat hanger
French Provincial Cabinet
Thonet style Armchair
Satsuma Vase
Flemish style Coffee grinder
Louis XV style Mirror
Flemish style Duck figure
Renaissance style Candle holder
Flemish style Coffee grinder
Carved Mirror
Louis XV style Table lamp
Louis XV style Mirror
Rococo Chandelier
Louis XV style Column and statue
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Louis XV Parlor set
Rustique Table lamp
Vintage Pair of nightstands
Louis XV style Chairs with side table
Chinese Side table
Flemish style Table lamp
Vintage Boeddha figure
Rococo Nest of tables
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Lot of figurines
Chinese Table lamp
Louis XV Cabinet
Chinese Side table
Flemish style Hanging lamp
Chinese Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Painting
Capodimonte Chandelier
Rococo Side table
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Stand
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Nest of tables
Chinese Frames
Louis XV style Hall lamp
Flemish style Framed tiles
Chinese Cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Onyx Table lamp
Chinese Cabinet
Vintage Paperrack
Chinese Jewellery box
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Side table
Chinese Chest of drawers
Louis XV Secretary desk
Hollywood regency style Mirror
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Tapestry
Chinese Nest of tables
Louis XV style Tray
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Clock set
Flemish style Wall plate
Rustique style Nest of tables
Oriental Cabinet
Vintage Mirror
Chinese Vase with lid
Rococo Side table
Tudor style Pair of nightstands
Louis XV style Chairs and stand
Chinese Paravent
Rococo Table lamp
Flemish style Flower pot
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Louis XV style Pillar + vase with light
Sack Chandelier
Louis XV style Decorative item.
Vintage Table lamp
Chinese Console
Louis XV style Console
Regency style Table lamp
Louis XV style Pair of armchairs
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Carpet runner
Chinese Paravent
Louis XV style Table lamp
Vintage Crucifix
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Vintage Mirror
Renaissance style Table lamp
Dolphin Writing desk
Chinese Vase
Chinese Vase with lid
Carved Chair
Chinese Pair of cabinets
Inlaid Secretary desk
Flemish Painting
Chinese Wall clock
Chinese Cabinet
Rustique style Fireplace item
Chinese Wall pannel
Louis XVI style Chandelier
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Delft Vase
Opaline Chandelier
Rococo Fireplace item
Carved Footstool
Louis XVI style Console and mirror
Chinese Cabinet
Tiled Paperrrack
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Flemish style Crucifix
Industrial Weighing scale
Louis XV style Pair of roosters.
Rococo Serving tray
Chinese Display cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of chandeliers
Gothic Cabinet
Flemish style Table lamp
Louis XV style Decorative item.
Louis XV style Chandelier
Baroque style Sofa set
Boulle Grandfather Clock
Renaissance style Table lamp
Barley twist Plantstand
Chinese Cabinet
Barley twist Table mirror
Chinese Flower pot
Chinese Plantstand
Louis XVI style Mirror
Spanish style Table
Inlaid Cabinet
Louis XV style Plantstand
Louis XV style Paperrrack
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XVI style Bridel armoire
Empire style Flower pot
Louis XV style Secretary desk
Louis XVI style Plantstand
Chinese Side table
Louis XV style Paperrrack
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Bonbonnière
Inlaid Corner cabinet
Rococo Lampstand
Rococo Cabinet
Carved Louis XV Mirror
Chinese Trunk
Louis XV style Painting
Louis XV style Mirror
Chinese Flower pot
Louis XV style Side table
Art Deco Mirror
Carved Paperrrack
Vintage Mirror
Rustique style Side table
Asian style Plantstand
Chinese Cabinet
Empire style Paperrrack
Spanish style Diningroom set
Carved Side table
Rococo Wall candle holders/lights
Louis XV Armchair
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Chinese Folding screen
Rococo Pair of wall lights.
Louis XV style Lantern
Flemish style Decorative item.
Louis XV Pair of wall lights.
Louis XVI style Coffee table
Indian style Plantstand and flowerpot
Rococo Chandelier
Louis XVI style Pair of wall lights.
Rococo Pair of wall consoles
Chinese Side table
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Chinese Pair of side tables.
Flemish style Wall light
Louis XV style Table lamp
Murano Bowl
Louis XV style Pair of candle holders.
Louis XV style Tapestry
Louis XV style Chandelier
Rococo Table lamp
Rococo Nest of tables
Flemish style Wall light
Rococo Mirror cabinet for shoe brushes.
Empire style Wall light
Hollywood Regency style Nest of tables
Louis XV style Chandelier
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
Flemish style Wall light
Rococo Pair of wall consoles
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Inlaid Serving cart
Flemish style Coffee grinder
Oriental Mirror
Chinese Pair of side tables.
Louis XV style Cabinet
Oriental Plantstand
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of armchairs
Inlaid Serving cart
Chinese Coffee table
Chinese Nest of tables
Oriental Plate
Louis XV style Armchair
Flemish style Barrel bar
Chinese Plantstand
Carved Mirror
Chippendale style Cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Oriental Plantstand
Louis XV style Armchair
Satsuma Pair of vases
Westminster Mantle clock
Tudor style Lampstand
Murano Bowl
Art Deco Clock set
Westminster Mantle clock
Val Saint Lambert Vase
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Painting
Hunting style Cuckoo clock
Hunting style Pair of decorative items
Louis XV style Table lamp
Rustique Decorative item.
Chinese Plantstand
Rustique style Piano chair
Louis XV style Table lamp
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Tudor style Chandelier
Art Deco style Table lamp
Carved Center table
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Flemish Oil lamp
Art Deco style Bowl
Indian style Side table
Chinese Cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Louis XV style Chandelier
Vintage Serving cart
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Empire style Bell
Chinese Cabinet
Art Deco style Lampet set
Flemish style Coffee set
Murano Table lamp
Louis XV style Table lamp
Chinese Framed glass
Rococo Table lamp
Cobra Table lamp
Hunting style Pair of benches
Louis XV style Hall tree
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
Carved Mirror
Capodimonte Vase with lid
Limoges Vase with lid
Vintage Ceiling lamp and wall light
Rococo Pair of putti's
Flemish style Serving cart
Louis XV style Candle holder
Murano Chandelier and wall lights
Hunting style Server
Louis XV style Armchair
Louis XV style Tapestry
Boch Vase
Rococo Table lamp
Onyx Side table
Painted Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Mirror
Rococo Standing coat hanger
Empire style Lantern
Intarsie Music table
Chinese Wall art
Rustique style Piano chair
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Louis XV style Framed tapestry
Chinese Pair of chairs
Chinese Coffee table
Inlaid Chest of drawers
Inlaid Side table
Louis XV style Framed tapestry
Louis XV style Painting
Louis XV Cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Stand
Hollywood Regency style Serving tray
Limoges Clock set
Louis XV style Table lamp
Hollywood Regency style Table lamp
Louis XV style Free standing coat rack
Chinese Vase
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Hall tree
Louis XV style Painting
Rustique style Lantern
Flemish style Framed tapestry
Inlaid Serving cart
Venetian style Mirror
Louis XV style Hall lamp
Oriental Pair of plantstands
Chinese Mirror
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Flemish style Wall cabinet
Rococo Free standing coat rack
Louis XV style Table lamp
Art Deco style Flower pot
Table lamp
Louis XV style Plantstand
Rococo Pair of wall candle holders
Chinese Cabinet
Flemish style Wall plate
Chinese Plate
Chinese Room devider
Art Deco Flower pot
Chinese Pair of vases
Louis XV style Table lamp
Louis XV style Chandelier
Louis XV style Table lamp
Louis XV style Mirror
Louis XV style Painting
Table lamp
Rococo Side table
Louis XVI style Cabinet
Renaissance style Pair of table lamps
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Table lamp
Rococo Lampstand
Chinese Jar with lid.
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Pair of wall lights.
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Renaissance style Fireplace mantle
Louis XV style Bed with matching nightstands
Louis XVI style Pair of wall lights.
Louis XVI style Tapestry
Louis XV style Pair of table lamps
Chinese Coffee table
Louis XV style Pair of fire bucks.
Renaissance style Large candle holder.
Louis XV style Pair of fire bucks.
Louis XV style Tapestry
Louis XV style Pair of ceiling lamps
Louis XV style Cabinet
Louis XV style Display cabinet
Onyx Telephone
Chinese Coffee table
French Provincial Display cabinet
French Provincial Pair of nightstands
Chinese Ginger jar
Flemish Painting
Louis XV style Clock set
Louis XV style Plantstand
Tudor style Center table
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Soup bowl.
Rococo Candle holder
Louis XV style Carpet
Art Deco Lantern
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Side table
Louis XV style Wall cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Chinese Nest of tables
Louis XV style Table lamp
Rococo Chandelier
Art Nouveau style Plantstand
Louis XV style Chandelier
Boch Pair of plates
Chinese Cabinet
Rococo Cabinet
Gold frame Mirror
Teardrop style Chandelier
Louis XV style Chandelier
Boch Pair of plates
Oriental Side table
Boch Pair of vases
Bombay Chest of drawers
Inlaid Serving cart
Venetian style Mirror
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Flemish Chandelier
Boch Plate
Rococo Wall pannel
Mechelen style Cabinet
Rococo Table lamp
Chinese Pair of vases
Rococo Chandelier
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Boch Vase
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Side table
Chinese Pitcher and bowl set
Murano Decorative item.
Rococo Serving tray
Hollywood Regency style Pair of table lamps
Breughel Umbrella stand/coalhod
Boch Plate
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Lampstand
Rococo Ashtray
Empire Chandelier
Louis XV style Figurine
Louis XV style Mirror cabinet for shoe brushes.
Louis XV style Crucifix
Chinese Cabinet
Murano Glass
Carved Sewing table
Louis XV style Pair of armchairs
Rococo Bench
Boch Plate
Breughel Coalhod/umbrella stand
Renaissance Table lamp
Rococo Table lamp
Chinese Juwelry box
Louis XV style Pair of candle holders.
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Rococo Table lamp
Boch Plate
Louis XV style Candle holder
Boch Plate
Inlaid Serving cart
Pair of German beerpulls
Gouda Dish
Delft Vase
Louis XV style Cabinet
Murano Decorative item.
Boch Vase
Chinese Cabinet
Asian style Table lamp
Capodimonte style Wall font.
Louis XV style Cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
Louis XV style Cabinet
Art Deco Armchair
Hollywood Regency style Chair
Handpainted Side table
Breughel Paperrrack
Delft style Chandelier
Empire Table lamp
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Hollywood Regency style Etagére
Capodimonte Candle holder
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Louis XVI style Hall lamp
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
Delft Vase
Rococo Pair of armchairs
Flemish style Table lamp
Louis XV style Pair of picture frame holders.
Pair of wall lights.
Louis XV style Bell
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Capodimonte Lidded jar
Louis XV style Table lamp
Limoges Vase
Faux bamboe Serving cart
Louis XV style Bell
Louis XV style Armchair
Capodimonte Vase
Louis XV style Love seat
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
Gothic Prayer chair.
Capodimonte Bonbonnière
Louis XV style High-back hooded armchair
Rococo Table lamp
Satsuma Table lamp
Louis XV style Mirror
Louis XV style Table lamp
Rococo Table lamp
Florentines Cabinet
Louis XV style Pair of wall lights.
French Provincial Nest of tables
Rococo Coffee table
Louis XV style Painting
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Mirror
Louis XVI style Mirror
Louis XV style Lantern
French Provincial Vanity
Delfts Vase
Louis XV style Chandelier
Satsuma Pair of vases
Mechelen style Buffet
Louis XV style Carpet
Boch Plate
Flemish style Chandelier
Rococo Chandelier
Louis XV Display cabinet
Flemish style Chandelier
Tudor Vase
Marie Thérèse Chandelier
Tudor style Lampstand
Louis XVI style Lantern
Chinese Room divider
Chinese Pair of side tables
Louis XV style Clock set
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Chandelier
Renaissance Wall clock
Louis XV style Water feature for birds.
Art Deco Pair of firescreens.
Louis XV style Mirror
Marie Thérèse Chandelier and wall light
Leather Rhino
Flemish style Chandelier
Flemish style Chandelier
Delft Plate
Louis XVI style Candle holders
Mazarin Chandelier
Louis XV style Table lamp
American style Large statue
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Chandelier
Chinese Decorative item
Statue of Beethoven
Flemish style Statue of Guido Gezelle
Vintage Table lamp
Louis XV style Mirror
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Chandelier
Renaissance Table lamp
Rococo Hall stand
Chinese Corner cabinet
Black forrest Figure of an eagle.
Rustique Coffee table
Louis XV style Hall stand
Rococo Side table
Flemish style Chandelier
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Armchair
Westminster Mantle clock
Louis XV style Chandelier
Louis XV style Photo frame
Louis XV style Photo frame
Louis XVI style Mirror
Louis XV style Secretary
Venetian style Mirror
Flemish style Crucifix
Chinese Cabinet
International arts and antiques fair.
Chinese Coffee table
Louis XV style Large chandelier
Gothic style Cabinet
Louis XV style Armchair
Louis XV style Painting
Chinese Pair of side tables.
Louis XV Sideboard
Flemish style Pair of crosses.
Chinese Sideboard
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Chiavari style Pair of chairs
Louis XV style Armchair
Maison Baques style Serving cart
Rococo Chandelier
Chinese Display cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Art Deco Mirror
Gothic style Standing cross
Rustique Table
English style Drop leaf table
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XVI style Door fitting
Chinese Folding screen
Rustique style Coatrack
Chinese Pair of vases
Flemish style Chandelier
Louis XV style Paperrrack
Chinese Vase with lid
Chinese Display cabinet
Louis XV style Painting
Louis XV style Mirror
Rococo Blackamoor lamp
Figurine of a duck.
Boch Pair of vases
Figurine of a duck.
Louis XV style Chandelier
Rococo Lampstand
Art Nouveau style Buffet
Flemish style Chandelier
Chinese Corner cabinet
Louis XV style Cabinet
Tiffany Table lamp
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
Italian Serving cart
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Art Deco Stained glass windows
Inlaid Cabinet
Gothic style Trunk
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Inlaid Display cabinet
Inlaid Table
Flemish style Pair of framed tapestries.
Hollywood regency style Table lamp
Art Deco Stained glass windows.
Louis XV style Pair of armchairs
Rococo Nest of tables
Chippendale Cabinet
Louis XV style Mirror
Oriental Cabinet
Chinese Vase
Rococo Chandelier
Flemish style Wall plate
Frame with butterflies
Chinese Vase
Louis XV style Chandelier
Chinese Vase
Decorative item moths
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Plate
Art Deco Mirror
Louis XV style Side table
Chinese Pair of statues
Rustique Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Pair of decorative items
Louis XV style Cabinet
Chinese Framed wall art
Flemish style Wallrack with pots and pans.
Renaissance Table lamp
Chinese style Serving trays
Chinese Sugar pot and milk jare
Louis XV style Framed print
Empire Clock set
Flemish style Ton for making butter
Boch Vase
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Coffee table
Egyptian style Decorative lamp.
Chinese Coffee table
Louis XV style Box
Breughel Coatrack
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XVI style Table lamp
Westminster Mantle clock
Chinese Pair of vases
Louis XV style Pair of framed prints
Art Deco Wall clock
Chinese Table lamp
Murano Bowl
Chinese style Pair of vases
Intarsie Serving cart
Carved Armchair
Black forrest Barometer
Spanish carved Cabinet
Louis XV Wall lights
Louis XV style Fireplace screen
Rustique style Nest of tables
Louis XV style Lamp.
Painted Console
Flemish style Wall lights
Louis XV style Chandelier
Flemish style Wall lights
Flemish style Chandelier
Louis XV style Chandelier
Flemish style Wall lights
Barley twist Corner chair
Chinese Stand
Rococo Chandelier
Flemish style Bell
Louis XVI style Lamp
Louis XV style Wall decoration.
Louis XV style Mirror
Chinese Sideboard
Louis XV style Cabinet
Renaissance Armchair
Gothic Prayer chair
Louis XVI style Cabinet
Rococo Statue
Louis XV style Gametable
Flemish style Painting
Louis XVI style Table lamp
Breughel Fireplace screen
Flemish style Table lamp
Boch Plate
Boch Plate
Boch Plate
Louis XV style Sofa
Breughel Fireplace tools
Delft Plate
Foo dog
Candle holders
Flemish style Scale
Carved Coffee table
Louis XV style Side table
Louis XV style Cabinet
Rococo Painting
Tudor Diningroom set
Carved Coffee table
German Pot with lid
Flemish style Tin box
French Provincial Cabinet
Flemish style Desk
Chinese Wall panel
Chinese Stool/Side table
Gothic Bookcase
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Wall panel
Slazenger Tennis racket
Rococo Coffee table
Louis XV style Cabinet
Rococo Chair
Louis XVI style Mirror
French Provincial Bookcase
Louis XVI style Grandfather clock
Louis XV style Chair
Gothic style Cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV Chair
Satsuma Pair of vases
Inlaid Nest of tables
Louis XV style Coffee table
Chinese Cabinet
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Flemish style Bucket
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Brittany style Corner cabinet
Boch Vase
Rococo Coffee table
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Rococo Nest of tables
Louis XVI style Armoire
Hollywood Regency style Mirror
Black forrest Table and chairs
Chinese Side table
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Pair of vases
Italian Bar globe
Chinese Umbrella stand
Chinese Pair of foo dogs.
Louis XV style Cabinet
Carved Mirror
Chinese Cabinet
Renaissance Mirror
Inlaid Serving cart
Grandfather clock.
Chinese Stools
Limoges Plate
Louis XV style Table lamp
Gothic Hall bench
Chinese Vase
Gothic Cabinet
Oriental Sideboard
Delft Vase
Louis XV style Serving cart
Louis XV style Candle holder
Chinese Coffee table
Breughel Coatrack
Tudor Bookcase
Chest of drawers.
Carved Hall bench
Side table.
Rococo Side table
Breughel Coalhod/umbrella stand
Rococo Wall lamp
Rustique style Pair of plantstands
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Rococo Side table
Louis XV style Tapestry
Chinese Wall panels
Louis XVI style Tapestry
Rustique Armchair with footend
Louis XV style Candle holder
Wall lamp
Hollywood Regency style Serving cart
African Side table
Oriental Side table
Louis XVI Parlor set
Louis XV style Candle holder
Louis XV Parlor set
Flemish style Kettle
Liège style Bookcase
Louis XV style Pair of candle holders
Louis XV Armchair
Oriental style Telephone side table
Cloisonné Clock
Jacobean Cabinet
Rococo Side table
Louis XVI style Coffee table
Carved Coffee table
Painted Chest of drawers
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV style Candle holder
Regency style Umbrella stand
Rococo style Console and mirror
Louis XV style Side table
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Gothic style Cabinet
Carved Mirror
Rococo Chest of drawers
Persian style Carpet
Chippendale style Coffee table
Rococo Table lamp
Rococo Pair of vases
Chinese Plate
Oriental Cabinet
Chinese Wall panels
Inlaid Serving cart
African Side table
Breughel Table lamp
Rococo Lampstand
Milk jar
Renaissance style Stand
Painted Newspaper rack.
Louis XVI style Firescreen
Chinese Cabinet
Flemish style Coat rack
Regency style Bookends
Inlaid Liquor box.
Carved Armchairs and table.
Louis XVI style Stand
Rococo Bowl on stand.
Chest of drawers.
Barley twist Nest of tables
Barley twist Writing desk
Flemish style Jare/pot
Renaissance style Plantstand
Rococo Ashtray stand
Inlaid Side table
Gothic style Jewelry box
Rococo Chest of drawers
Rococo Chandelier
Carved Center table
Black forrest Cross
Louis XV style Armchair
Mechelen style Mirror
Louis XV Secretary cabinet
Louis XV Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Pair of figurines.
Gothic style Trunk
Solid oak Chair
Delft coat rack
Chinese Wall panels
Santa Claus panel.
Barley twist Smokersstand
Chinese Wall panel
Capodimonte Vase
Boch Vase
Chinese Wall panels
Flemish style coat rack
Chinese Wall panels
Chinese Screen
Chinese Cabinet
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV Mirror
Louis XV style Chest of drawers
Inlaid Pair of side tables
Louis XV style Candle holder
Carved Coffee table
Barley twist Side table
Chinese Cabinet
Carved Cabinet
Packed items
Flemish style Cabinet
Chinese Wall panels
Louis XVI style Center table
Carved Trunk
Carved Coffee table
Carved Hallbench
Hunting style Cabinet
Candle holder
Flemish style Fireplace tools
Hollywood regency style Serving cart
Flemish style Coffee set
Louis XV style Side table
Chinese Coffee table
Flemish style Wall plate
Oriental style Pair of vases
Oriental style Cabinet
Louis XV style Make up mirror
Oriental style Plantstand
Oriental style Plantstand
Flemish style Jare
Boch Flowerpot
Flemish style Wall plate
Rococo style Coffee table
Louis XVI style Cabinet
Rococo style Console and mirror
Hollywood regency style Serving cart
Wall clock
Maison Baques Serving cart
Louis XV style Plantstand
Louis XV style Fireplace tools
Flemish style Milk jar
Rustique style Coffee table
Louis Philippe style Pair of armchairs
Satsuma Porcelain set
Painted craquelé Cabinet
Chinese Wall panels
Oriental Secretaire
Chinese Cabinet
Flemish style Umbrella stand
Oriental Framed wall art
Chinese Cabinet
Breughel style Firescreen
Satsuma Vase and lidded jar.
Louis XV Set of chairs with footstool
Inlaid Cabinet
Louis XV style Coffee table
Louis XVI Make up mirror
Louis XV Center table
Carved Armchair
Capodimonte Decorative item
Oriental style Screen
Renaissance style Candle holder
Carved Stand
Louis XVI style Chest of drawers
Chinese Side table
Boch Vase
Hollywood regency style Lampstand
Louis XV style Figurines
Painted Cabinet
Chinese Bar cabinet
Tudor style Sideboard
Onyx top Coffee table
Oriental style Telephone bench
Side table.
Chinese Nest of tables
Mechelen style Mirror
Chiavari style Chair
Louis XV Plantstand
Rococo style Folding screen/paravent
Flemish style Fireplace tools
Flemish style Wall plate
Oriental Cabinet
Oriental Stand
Flemish style Painting
Louis XV Lampstand
Oriental style Pair of paintings
Louis XV style Statue
Flemish style Coffee set
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV Flower pot
Donnay Pair of tennis rackets
Chinese Cabinet
Louis XV Plantstand
Capodimonte Vase
Art Deco Serving cart
Louis XV Chest of drawers
Chinese style Trunk
Carved Cabinet
Chinese Screen
Louis XVI Parlor set
Oriental style Coffee table
Inlaid Side table
Oriental style Standing clock
Hollywood regency style Serving cart
Carved Coffee table
Shop sign
Breughel style Coatrack
Louis XV Footstool
Candle holder
Rococo Lampstand
Venetian style Mirror
French Provincial Chest of drawers
Louis XV style Clock
Oriental style Cabinet
Louis XV style Statue
Spanish style Plate
Louis XV Armchair
Rococo Chest of drawers
Oriental style Side table
Art Deco Wall clock
Louis XVI style Chest of drawers
Boch Vase
Boch Vase
Carved Side table
Oriental style Side table
Thonet style Chair
Rococo Fireplace tools
Capodimonte Vase
Renaissance Wall clock
Delft Vase set
Oriental style Table lamp
Flemish style Pair of footstools
Vintage cabinet.
Louis XV style Statue
Rococo coffee table.
Carved armchair.
Rustique table.
Rococo Table lamp
Blackamoor lamp.
Country French Cabinet
Rococo Table lamp
Louis XV telephone bench.
Carved side table.
Prayer chair.
Office item.
Painting on canvas.
Chair in the style of Thonet.
Rococo Umbrella stand
Louis XV Set of armchairs and coffee table
Louis XV armchair.
Tudor style Lampstand
Telephone bench.
Louis XV Armchairs and coffee table
Flemish style Painting
Louis XV coffee table.
Louis XV coffee table.
Louis XV Mirror + console + wall lights
Louis XV coffee table.
Renaissance Armchair
Louis XV Armchairs
Empire Wall lamps
Boch Vase set
Louis XV Armchair and footstool
Satsuma Vase set
Oriental style Screen
Decorative item of Maria.
2 identical lanterns.
Breughel carved panels.
Shop sign.
Rococo Lamp + stand
Framed tapestry.
Louis XV style Mirror
Decorative item.
Oriental style Vases
Candle holder.
Decorative item
Glass fruit bowl.
Decorative glass panel.
Louis XV style Tapestry
Louis XV style Tapestry
Coffee grinder
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